Local meetings - 2nd Monday of every Month 7pm


Local meetings - 2nd Monday of every Month 7pm -


Cub Club cordially inviting all apprentices from our local to join the “Road Cleanup-Spring ‘25. We will meet on May 16th at 9:30 AM at Tammy’s Pizza parking lot, 6817 State Park Rd. Spring Grove, IL

Our regular Road Cleanup for all members, will be announce later on. Stay tuned !!


Carpenters Local 250 Golf Outing

The golf outing provided participants with an enjoyable, beautiful weather day of competition, networking, camaraderie and lots of fun. As President Pogose said: “Some days are better than others. Today was excellent!” Thank you all for coming and spending some time together. See you next year!

2024 edition GLCA Cook-Off was a big success for Local 250 Team.

Watch the recap video here!

Congratulations Team Pogose on securing another term

Wishing you all the best as you take this important role. Your dedication and hard work will undoubtedly make a positive impact. We all look forward to seeing the great things you’ll accomplish for the Carpenters Local 250.


Gary Perinar, former Executive Secretary-Treasurer has been promoted to the position of UBC Second General Vice President!

Replacing Perinar as EST is Kevin McLaughlin.

Our very own, Joel Pogose is President of the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council.

Congratulations! Local 250 is proud and excited for your new role and your leadership!

Adopt A Highway may ‘24

Thank you to everyone who came out to help cleanup the road!

Cub Club

Cub Club held its quarterly meeting on March 24th and discussed various topics about the Carpenters Union and their community outreach, including their upcoming road clean up in May 3rd at 9:30 AM. Ending the meeting off with new Local 250 shirts and a fun raffle!

Join us next time!

Join us at our next meeting on June 16th, 2025 at 6:30

VFW Post, 130Grand Ave. Lake Villa, IL 60046

March ‘25 Local Meeting

On March 10th, Local 250 held their local meeting. Chef Paul cooked an Irish meal in honor of St. Paddy’s day! Sous-Chef Ryan assisted with the brisket.

Join us for the next local meeting on April 14th, and enjoy what our chefs will provide.

Check out the short recap video!

December local meeting was filled with lots of members, great food, bags full of Local 250 carpenters apparel and holiday cheer!

You can now pay your dues on the App!

Local 250 Pin Presentation

Carpenters Local #250 presented pins to members with 5-80 years of continuous Union membership as of December 31, 2022. Those not able to attend can pick up their pins at the office.

Swearing-in ceremony for new elected officers of Local 250

Strong Alone Unstoppable Together

Protecting our Carpenters since October 8th, 1892